I suppose I ought to pull out the Christmas lights and other decorations. I wish I had room for my huge tree, but my place is just too small. So, I'll be putting up my small tree. I just hope Singe the psycho kitty doesn't rape the Christmas tree angel like he did last year. Crazy perverted cat. LOL
Speaking of my cat, he loves the taste of my flesh, and I'm starting to get nervous because he hasn't bitten me in a really long time. I don't know what he's waiting for, and I'm starting to get nervous and a little paranoid about when he's going to strike next. Ever since he jumped on top of my fish tank and fell in, he's been very sweet to me. Of course, that makes me more suspicious. I'm convinced he's waiting for me to get most comfortable and confident that he's given up his flesh-eating ways, and that's when he'll strike.
Here's a pic of the little beast:
Yes, it's hard to believe that something so cute can be so viscous, but don't let that cute kitty facade fool you.
Singe looks so cute in that bag! Makes you want to close the bag, staple it shut and hope he finds his way out? No, just kidding! Nice to see you updated your damn blog!
Thanks for calling the other night! I miss talking to you!!! Let's not let it go so long next time!
Shame on me, I just noticed your comment to my comment on Tanya's blog, followed by her cyber introduction. I've had my head up my a$$ going through chemo but emerging to run ahead full steam (with or without scissors, I reserve all rights). Thanks for your nice thoughts. Let's not be strangers! I'm linked on her blog if you want to come find me!
Hi Penny, it's nice to meet you! One thing you'll notice is that I'm awful when it comes to updating this blog. LOL
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